1. Fixing a Puch float with POR-15 doesn't work. Neither does epoxy from a fuel tank repair kit. Neither does polyester resin. AND - if there are over about, oh, say 10 leaks, the solder will just be too heavy. The residue that each of these fixes leaves in your card will clog it - and the residue it leaves in your heart will break it.
2. There are some excellent English-German translators on the web. I learned the following words: Float=Schwimmer; Float Needle=Schwimmernadlen; Point Breaker Assembly=Unterbrecher. That knowledge, and some friendly Austrians at RBO Ing in Austria helped get me on the road.
3. The Austrian postal service (post.au) is efficient and fast.
4. Puchs like to be precisely timed and adjusted. After cleaning the carb and fumbling with the adjustments yesterday - Matt at Motorwest showed me how to set the timing and adjust the carb just right today. Made a huge difference, and now I'm rolling for sure!
So - I have a reliable rider. It's still funky, so some of the cosmetic stuff is going to come bit by bit. Once we get the paint booth built, it'll be stripped and resprayed. I'm going to also spend some time working on the BMW's front end, get some lighting sorted out, and hopefully take some trips. Things are cooking!!